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首页>TK STUDIO>成功案例> 泰国曼谷Forest Pavilion展亭
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泰国曼谷Forest Pavilion展亭



主创团队代表:Mr. Tawatchai Kobkaikit

设计参考价: 150 元/平方米


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  • 项目名称:泰国曼谷Forest Pavilion展亭
  • 项目地点:泰国曼谷
  • 开发商:TK STUDIO
  • 设计参考价:¥150/㎡
  • 项目类型:商业
  • 形态:大区
  • 建成时间:2021年
  • 风格:现代
  • 设计面积:1038㎡
  • 容积率:3
  • 发布日期:2022-07-28
  • 最近更新:2022-07-28 09:48

The Forestias是泰国最大的地产开发项目之一。其中心48000平米的城市森林是项目的重点,连接了基地上所有的开发设施,为居民创造了一个更加健康和幸福的生活环境。Forest Pavilion位于The Forestias中,目前作为销售展廊使用,今后将被改造成Forestias生态系统学习中心,向人们分享森林系统相关的知识;这里还会成为居民的社交中心,人们可以在此度过愉快的时光。此外,该建筑还是通向广阔森林区域的入口门户,提供了一个在自然中生活的原型。

The Forestias is one of the largest property development projects in Thailand. The highlight of the project is a 48,000 square meter of urban forest at the center of The Forestias, connecting all developments within the site to create a healthier and happier living for all residents. The Forest Pavilion is located in The Forestias, which currently functions as the sales gallery, and will be converted into The Forestias Ecosystem Learning Center for sharing knowledge of forest ecosystem, and be a hub of residence society for joyful moments. it is also an entrance gateway to the broad forest zone of The Forestias, providing a prototype of living with nature.

▼项目概览,overall view of the pavilion ©Rungkit Charoenwat

设计的任务是保证使用者的快乐和健康,创造一种在自然中生活的沉浸式体验。为了实现此目的,建筑师以调查研究为设计策略。根据调研结果,基地中的大部分区域都是绿色空间,使得人们在Forest Pavilion的任何位置都能够享受绿色景观;同时,设计展现了自然的潜在益处,鼓励使用者进入自然,加强人与自然的互动。

Our commitment is to support happiness and wellness of the users and create an immersive experience of living with nature, which achieved by utilizing the research as design strategies. From those findings, we decided to dedicate majority of area as green space that can be seen from every angle of the Forest Pavilion, and demonstrates potential benefits of nature that integrates and encourages users to access to nature to support human interaction with nature.

▼区位分析,site analysis ©Google Earth


The landscape concept is “Symbiosis with Nature” which embraces three objectives: planting the future of symbiosis with nature, immersing the wilderness, and balancing human activities and the growth of urban forest – by transforming rigid form of pavilion into the natural freeform of central forest, maximize privacy for all users and residents, provide the authentic experience of living in the forest, and provide happiness of living with nature.

▼建筑与自然共存,the building coexists with the nature ©Rungkit Charoenwat

▼自由的建筑形态,freeform of the building ©Rungkit Charoenwat

设计希望Forest Pavilion成为一间与自然共存的实验室,因此将自然的精华整合在了景观设计之中。在这里,使用者可以在城市化的形式中获得独特的自然体验。愉悦的步道和天桥吸引人们走到室外,在如画一般的宁静景观中享受自然环境带来的舒适品质。

The Forest Pavilion is intended to be a testing lab for symbiosis with nature, so the essences of nature have been integrated with landscape design at the Forest Pavilion, where users can have a unique experience of nature in an urbanized form. Plus, delightful walkway and skywalk are designed to attract people go outdoor and to enjoy the quality of natural environment with tranquil picturesque landscape.

▼鸟瞰,曲折的空中步道,aerial view of the winding skywalk ©Rungkit Charoenwat

▼蜿蜒的步道,两侧种满植物,winding walkway with lush plants on the two sides ©Rungkit Charoenwat

▼阶梯公共空间,stepped public space ©Rungkit Charoenwat

▼水景,waterscape ©Rungkit Charoenwat

在Forest Pavilion,自然的尺度被放大,远超任何典型的城市环境。通过创造Miyawaki生态森林,设计师将充满活力的森林式景观变成了一个活着的天堂,其中的生物多样性将随着世代更迭不断成长和进化。

At Forest Pavilion, the scale of natural environment here has been extended further beyond any typical urban environment. By creating Miyawaki Eco Forest, this dynamic forest-like landscape is a living paradise creating biodiversity that will grow and evolve along with the current and future generations.

▼不断生长茂盛的植物,plants growing and evolving ©TK Studio

▼生物多样性,biodiversity ©Dr. Anong Chanamool, Research and Innovation for Sustainability Center (RISC)


International standards of SITES, WELL, and LEED were implemented. Residents will enjoy a refreshing living experience with nature among the urban fabric, which integrated sustainable design with high-quality modern lifestyle.

▼在城市中与自然共存,living with nature in the urban fabric ©Rungkit Charoenwat

▼跌水细部,details of the dropping water ©Rungkit Charoenwat

幸福,是The Forestia发出的一个简单而又充满力量的宣言。这里是一处理想的生活庇护所,展示了居住在城市森林中的幸福。高品质的环境将会带来健康与长寿,同时为不同世代的居民和家庭创造一个亲切而温暖的社区。这里的居民将会于自然和谐共惠,学会成为自然的一部分,加强创造更好的、可持续世界的意识。此处有望成为泰国住区开发的一个转折点,催生一系列高品质住宅项目。

Happiness – a simple yet powerful manifesto advocated in The Forestias. It is the ideal living sanctuary that demonstrates happiness of dwelling within the urban forest. A good quality of environment will lead to good health and longevity of residents, and it also create a kind and warm society for generations of families. Residents will share mutual benefits with nature harmoniously, learning to be part of nature and raising awareness to create a better and more sustainable world. Hopefully, this can be a turning point of housing developments in the country and lead to a series of high-quality housing projects.

▼夕阳下的项目,project in the dusk ©Weerapol Singnoi

泰国曼谷Forest Pavilion展亭


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