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首页>peris+toral.arquitectes>成功案例> 西班牙巴塞罗那85个社会住房
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销售参考价: 1500000 元/平方米


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  • 项目名称:西班牙巴塞罗那85个社会住房
  • 项目地点:西班牙巴塞罗那
  • 开发商:peris+toral.arquitectes
  • 销售参考价:¥1500000/㎡
  • 项目类型:住宅
  • 形态:大区
  • 市场定位:高端系
  • 建成时间:2021年
  • 风格:现代
  • 主力户型:多层(4-6层) 平层 90-120㎡ 2室 2厅 1卫
  • 占地面积:12815㎡
  • 建筑面积: 18900㎡
  • 容积率:3
  • 装修类别:精装修
  • 发布日期:2022-07-27
  • 最近更新:2022-07-27 10:48

项目坐落于西班牙巴塞罗那省Cornellà de Llobregat市,建占地10000平方米,由85个社会住宅组成。建筑共有五个楼层,均采用了来自场地附近巴斯克地区的8300平方米森林树木建造。巧妙的空间布局将室内交通面积最小化,充分利用了场地内的每一寸可用土地,并利用木材实现了工业化的建造过程。从社会住宅的角度来看,由巴塞罗那事务所peris+toral.arquitectes设计的85个社会住房,改善了建筑质量与居住者的生活环境,同时显著缩短了建造时间,并大大减少了建造与使用过程中的二氧化碳排放量。

For the 10,000 m2 floor area of the new building in Cornellà de Llobregat (Barcelona), consisting of 85 social dwellings on five floors, a total of 8,300 m2 of zero KM wood from the forests of the Basque Country have been used. The layout of communicating rooms to eliminate passages and make full use of the floor plan, and the recourse to wood to enable industrialization of the process, improve the quality of the construction and notably cut building deadlines and reduce CO2 emissions are the most notable aspects of this new social housing block by Barcelona practice Peris+Toral Arquitectes.

▼项目概览,overall of the project ©José Hevia

2017年,巴塞罗那事务所peris+toral.arquitectes赢得了由AMB组织并由公共机构IMPSOL推广的85个社会住房单元设计竞赛,该项目位于西班牙巴塞罗那大省Cornellà de Llobregat市,原场地为当地标志性的比萨电影院旧址。全新的建筑是一栋独立的住宅综合体,主体部分由五个木结构楼层组成,底层由钢筋混凝土结构支撑,底层空间中容纳了商店以及公共设施。设计的核心旨在通过矩阵式的空间布局,消除私人和公共走廊,促进不同户型住户间的交流,充分利用楼层平面面积,同时将木材作为主要的建筑材料。

In 2017, Barcelona-based Peris+Toral Arquitectes won the ideas competition organized by AMB and promoted by the public body IMPSOL to design a project for 85 social housing units on the site formerly occupied by the iconic Pisa cinema in the Barcelona municipality of Cornellà de Llobregat. It is a freestanding residential building comprising five wood-framed floors supported by a reinforced concrete structure on the ground floor to accommodate shops and public facilities. As the key points in their design strategy for this multifamily construction, Peris+Toral Arquitectes decided firstly to create a layout of spaces which, by eliminating both private and communal passages and proposing communicating rooms, makes the most of the floor plan, and, secondly, to make wood the primary construction material.

▼轴测分析图,axonometric analysis ©peris+toral.arquitectes


“We chose to work with wood due to the possibilities it offers for industrializing the structure of the building and improving both the quality of construction and the time it takes, and the positive reduction of emissions you get with a totally sustainable material”

—— José Manuel Toral,主创建筑师、peris+toral.arquitectes创始人、Marta Peris联合创始人
José Manuel Toral, architect and co-founder with Marta Peris of Peris-Toral Arquitectes, and the architect responsible for the project


The building is organized around a courtyard that links a sequence of intermediate spaces. On the ground floor, a portico open to the city anticipates the doorway of the building and filters the relationship between public space and the communal courtyard that acts as a small plaza for the community. Instead of entering each of the building’s hallways directly and independently from the outer façade, the four communication shafts are located in the four corners of the courtyard, so that all the inhabitants come together and meet in the courtyard- plaza.

▼建筑围绕中央庭院组织,The building is organized around a courtyard ©José Hevia

▼立面细部,details of facades ©José Hevia


On the typical floor, access to the dwellings is via the private terraces that make up the ring of outdoor spaces overlooking the courtyard. The building’s general floor plan is organized by means of a layout of communicating rooms. There are 114 spaces per floor, 543 in the building, of similar dimensions, that eliminate private and communal passageways to make full use of the surface area.

▼开放的露台空间构成了室内外空间的过渡与衔接,The open terrace space forms the transition and connection between indoor and outdoor ©José Hevia

▼庭院内侧立面构成了生动的日常生活背景,The inner facade of the courtyard forms a vivid backdrop for daily life ©José Hevia


The server spaces are arranged in the central ring while the rest of the rooms, of undifferentiated uses and size, approximate 13 m2, run along the façade, presenting themselves to different forms of occupation. Another terrace in the outer ring completes the spatial sequence, the row of spaces interconnected by large openings, permeable to air, sight and movement.

▼竖向交通空间设置在庭院的四个角落,Vertical traffic spaces are arranged at the four corners of the courtyard ©José Hevia

▼楼梯间,staircase ©José Hevia


The 85 dwellings are distributed in four groupings, with a total of 18 units per floor. Four or five homes are laid out around each nucleus, so that all typologies have cross ventilation and dual orientation. The homes consist of five or six modules, depending on whether they have two or three bedrooms. The inclusive, open-plan kitchen is located in the central room, acting as a distributor that replaces passages, while making domestic work visible and avoiding fixed gender roles.

▼住宅室内空间概览,overall of the interior ©José Hevia

▼每套公寓由5~6个空间单元组成,The homes consist of five or six modules ©José Hevia

▼由露台看室内,viewing the interior from the terrace ©José Hevia



▼平面图,plans ©peris+toral.arquitectes


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