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首页>LOVE architecture and urbanism>成功案例> 德国柏林河面步行桥公寓
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开发团队代表:LOVE architecture and urbanism

销售参考价: 1500000 元/平方米

LOVE architecture and urbanism

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  • 项目名称:德国柏林河面步行桥公寓
  • 项目地点:德国柏林
  • 开发商:LOVE architecture and urbanism
  • 销售参考价:¥1500000/㎡
  • 项目类型:住宅
  • 形态:大区
  • 市场定位:高端系
  • 建成时间:2021年
  • 风格:现代
  • 主力户型:多层(4-6层) 平层 90-120㎡ 2室 2厅 1卫
  • 占地面积:2780㎡
  • 建筑面积: 5500㎡
  • 容积率:3
  • 装修类别:精装修
  • 发布日期:2022-07-27
  • 最近更新:2022-07-27 10:57


The Dahme waterscape is of exceptional quality and beauty. Here, natural space, recreational quality and also industrial Charm are combined with the peace and serenity that rivers generally exude.

▼从河对岸看向建筑,view to the building through the river ©Jasmin Schuller


To stage this unique natural quality to the maximum is the central design idea of the residential building: A large-scale, eight-meter-deep pier in front of the actual Building leads the individual apartments very close to the water – so that Apartment and water seem to merge. The jetty is a hybrid of private balconies or open spaces and at the same time a development element. Thus, the footbridge stands for view, leisure, recreation, pleasure, enjoyment, but also for social interaction, community, and sense of togetherness.  It “stands” for a kind of bathing lake effect. You can say: This footbridge IS the building, because it shapes the house visually and also in terms of content. He is both the face and the soul of the building.

▼建筑外观,朝向河面的步行桥,external view of the building with a footbridge facing the river ©Jasmin Schuller

▼走廊与休闲平台,corridor and leisure platform ©Jasmin Schuller

different levels of the footbridge have different layouts, enjoying different river views ©Jasmin Schuller


Three materials characterize the building: wood, aluminum and concrete. Wood in itself is synonymous with themes such as water, jetty, raft or canoeing. Aluminum is factual-serious has a hygienic effect. In this case, we especially appreciate its ability to easily mirror light and color moods of its environment and thus interact with its surroundings. And then when water meets sky……..!!! Concrete as another natural material rounds off the mix. Similar to wood, concrete has a certain depth and naturalness, stands for safety and durability. All apartments are designed through and therefore have two cardinal points. This allows the residents to experience daytime but also seasons intensively.

concrete floor, inclined columns and mesh fence ©Jasmin Schuller

wooden platform close to the river ©Jasmin Schuller


The building, with its 28 residential units in the Grünau district of Berlin, has four full floors and one stacked floor. In the center of the house is the vertical access, which is directly connected to the footbridge. The footbridge, which is set back about 2 meters from the house, leads the residents not only directly to their apartments but also to their spacious outdoor areas with their spectacular view over the river. The individual levels of the walkway have different floor plan layouts. Thus, in addition to the diverse vertical view relationships, there is also an interesting and always new shadow play.

▼步桥连接公寓,footbridge connected to the residential units ©Jasmin Schuller

▼从步桥望向河景,river view from the footbridge ©Jasmin Schuller


All the residential units of the building are designed in an interconnected way and thus have two sky directions each: the north-east located pier and a south side, which is equipped with large-format plant troughs for free planting by the residents. This means that residents do not have to forego the remarkable view of the Dahme to the north-east or a light-giving south-west side. By means of generous folding- sliding walls, the apartments can be opened to the outside spaces to the maximum – interior and exterior thus combine to form a single unit and the entire. Depth of the walkway becomes an integral part of the living landscape.

▼单元设计分析,design analysis of the residential units ©LOVE architecture and urbanism

▼公寓室内,interior of the apartment ©Jasmin Schuller

▼室内外连接成一个整体,the interior and exterior connected into an entire space ©Jasmin Schuller

building facade along the street with plant troughs ©Jasmin Schuller


▼一层平面图,first floor plan ©LOVE architecture and urbanism

▼二层平面图,second floor plan ©LOVE architecture and urbanism

▼四层平面图,fourth floor plan ©LOVE architecture and urbanism


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