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首页>Aldric Beckmann Architectes>成功案例> 法国图卢兹Toulouse ZAC Saint-Martin住宅楼
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法国图卢兹Toulouse ZAC Saint-Martin住宅楼



开发团队代表:Aldric Beckmann Architectes

销售参考价: 1500000 元/平方米

Aldric Beckmann Architectes

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  • 项目名称:法国图卢兹Toulouse ZAC Saint-Martin住宅楼
  • 项目地点:法国图卢兹
  • 开发商:Aldric Beckmann Architectes
  • 销售参考价:¥1500000/㎡
  • 项目类型:住宅
  • 形态:大区
  • 市场定位:高端系
  • 建成时间:2021年
  • 风格:现代
  • 主力户型:小高层(7-11层) 平层 90-120㎡ 3室 2厅 1卫
  • 占地面积:4120㎡
  • 建筑面积: 8760㎡
  • 容积率:3
  • 装修类别:精装修
  • 发布日期:2022-07-10
  • 最近更新:2022-07-10 11:37


If architecture is the art of playing with the constraints, then this block is a smart composition of nowadays’ stakes. The project’s location, as a gate to the future Ramassiers neighborhood to come, and in between two landscaped spaces, is the foundation of the design thinking process.

▼建筑外观,external view of the building ©Laurent Gueneau



Ramassiers’ District is located close to economic hubs, and business areas that try to supplement an already strong aviation activity. The whole urban zone is 160 acres, and is accessible from the Arc-en-Ciel ring road and the line C. The project emulate a highly strategic location that is in the process of gaining an attractive connectivity to the existing public network.

The plot of the project, included in the extensive urban development zone, is establishing an entire new urban entity. The site is framed on the East by the central park and a dead-end road connecting the project to the local train station of the Ramassier. The North is where the future pedestrian path will extend, and a classified wood is outlining the South of our plot.


Our goal is to create a landscaped-object that is cohesive with the surrounding greenery, as well as existing patterns and the Concerted Urban Development Zone as a whole. A preexisting dovecote has been preserved and entirely revamped, so that common spaces can be developed around this. It can work as a central link to a particular historical memory.

▼鸟瞰,建筑与周边环境,aerial view, building and its surroundings ©Laurent Gueneau

▼景观与建筑融合在一起,landscape continues into the project ©Laurent Gueneau

▼鸽舍和四周的住宅,the preexisting dovecote and the surrounding residential buildings ©Laurent Gueneau

– 利用花园创造一片绿洲,使其成为街区的核心和绿色立面。
– 创造新颖的平面布局:
– 在主要的室外节点设置集中的垂直流线:
– 使用来自当地供应商的天然材料和可持续建造手段:
建筑结构以蜂窝砖为基础,该建造手段成本低廉、品质优越,帮助建筑满足了一定程度的可持续要求,包括Qualitel BBC Effinergie和Patrimoine Habitat & Environnement等。
– 与协同城区的合作成为了项目的一大挑战,参考图卢兹细部的Saint Martin du Touch区,不同密度交汇在设计之中。

▼分析图,design analysis ©Aldric Beckmann Architectes

The project settle itself around those following principals:
– Create a green Oasis through gardens forming the heart of the block and green facades.
– Making up an innovative shape for the plot plan:
The 63 dwellings of the project are shared between six independent plots that have various heights. The two buildings, that include the collective housings, form a build-up street edge. They offer single-family homes on top of their roof, which resonate with the scale of the backyard’s smaller plots.
– Concentrate vertical circulation around one main exterior point:
Two main buildings are connected by elevated pathways, giving each apartment an access from the elevator and the shared exterior staircase. We optimize circulation area and liberate space on the ground to transform it into more common spaces to use. These saved spaces connect to the exterior of the housings. This move allows the project to reduce the material consumption, and framing it into controlled and reasonable costs.
– Use biosourced material and sustainable constructing methods that are mastered by local businesses:
The structure is based on honeycomb bricks. The low-cost and high performance offered by this method of construction help to manage the buildings to align to a certain sustainable quality – Qualitel BBC Effinergie, Patrimoine Habitat & Environnement.
– The challenge of working with an Concerted Urban Zone – the Saint Martin du Touch Zone’s case in the West of Toulouse – intersecting various densities

▼花园与架空的廊道,garden and the elevated corridors ©Laurent Gueneau

▼作为项目核心的花园,garden as the heart of the project ©Laurent Gueneau

▼垂直流线连接两栋主要建筑,vertical circulations connecting the two main buildings ©Laurent Gueneau

▼廊道细部,details of the corridors ©Laurent Gueneau

▼室外走廊,outdoor corridor ©Laurent Gueneau

▼屋顶的独栋住宅,single-family house on the roof ©Laurent Gueneau


The West side of the project dialogue with the residential area composed of single-family homes. The program aims to align different situations (individual, medium and collective dwellings), by gradually densify the type of design along the west to east direction. The link between the two programmatic strips, residential and business areas, is made in the heart of the urban development zone, which is also the center of a large open park along the North-South axis. The continuity of a green landscape, transversal relationship of the program and neighborhood culture will deliver a great place to live and bind people through social activities on a larger scale.

▼建筑的密度变化,density change in the buildings ©Laurent Gueneau

▼架空廊道下的社交空间,social space under the elevated corridors ©Laurent Gueneau

▼阳台和花池细部,details of the balconies and the plantings ©Laurent Gueneau

法国图卢兹Toulouse ZAC Saint-Martin住宅楼

▼地面层平面图,ground floor plan ©Aldric Beckmann Architectes

▼二层平面图,first floor plan ©Aldric Beckmann Architectes

▼三层平面图,second floor plan ©Aldric Beckmann Architectes

▼四层平面图,third floor plan ©Aldric Beckmann Architectes

▼五层平面图,fourth floor plan ©Aldric Beckmann Architectes


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