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Piazza La Scala

The project combines two elements, the memory of the existing square (through its deformation in relation to the main pedestrian flows as symbolic with the existing monumental buildings) and the reinterpretation of the square as a place where people create.


设计参考价:55.00 元/平方米


  • 项目名称:Piazza La Scala
  • 项目地点:Italy/Milano(意大利,米兰)
  • 项目单价:55.00
  • 设计年份:2015
  • 设计类型:规划设计
  • 项目类型:其他
  • 风格:现代
  • 发布日期:2016-07-14



The project combines two elements, the memory of the existing square (through its deformation in relation to the main pedestrian flows as symbolic with the existing monumental buildings) and the reinterpretation of the square as a place where people create.

The current spatial organization it focuses on the Leonardo monument as center of the visual cones towards the existing buildings and natural pedestrian flows. The deformation of this geometric design and the relocation of the Leonardo monument can cancel all the interferences (of views and flows).

In the same time this operations give us a huge improve of the simultaneous enhancement of mutual monumental elements present. But a square is especially aggregation. The simplified form of the interior of the theater is copied, extruded and deformed to create an amphitheater that does not interfere with the routes and the visual but which emphasizes the centrality of the Teatro La Scala.

The pedestrian link, it is a square, is favored allowing the ascent directly beneath the porch of scale and creating a strong appeal with the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele as well as with the Cathedral. But the amphitheater also allows you to remove barriers (cars and roads) visual between the Square and the buildings also symbolically linking them with its tiers through which the streets magically disappear from view.

Ultimately the result is an open-air theater in contrast, in all respects, with the existing one; the one is always open while the other only at certain times, the one is above ground while the other is underground, the one is to the upper middle class while the other is for all, the one is for the performance of the celebrities and the other for the street artists.


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